Reopen Adoption Hours at the Levelland Animal Shelter

    This was posted on the Levelland Animal Shelter facebook page today (12-7-20) :
    "Due to staffing issues the Levelland animal shelter will be open by appointment only. To make an appointment call 806-891-0829 or message our Facebook page" This is also posted on the shelter door.
    We were told that the shelter will not have open hours at any time and they will not be open on weekends or answer the shelter phone for adoption appointments on weekends at all. The weekends are very fruitful times for adoptions and especially this time of year. There are 2 staff members for animal control now instead of 3 (until the open position is filled). In the past when this has occurred, one staff member has been assigned to the shelter and one to police the streets. The leadership claims that budget is driving this decision...however, obviously, they do have a salary that is not being paid that could fund some overtime hours for the 2 remaining staff. Ultimately....its the dogs and cats that suffer from shelter leadership's decisions. Please sign this Petition to ask that the open shelter hours be restored to Thursday though Monday 9:00 to noon and 2:00 to 5:00.

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