2 of 3 Assessments say Lucy can go to sanctuary !

  • av: Becky Goleby
  • mottagare: To City Council of Edmonton and Mayor Amarjeet Sohi

Latest news update on Lucy the elephant on her most recent medical assessment performed by four elephant experts on site at Edmonton Valley Zoo.

As you may have read the reports were not unanimous causing an uproar with international support encouraging her to be shifted to sanctuary.

The panelists have recommendations for immediate changes in her overall environment and health.

1. additional space and freedoms for Lucy to roam at her leisure
2. access to fresh water for bathing and wallowing
3. air quality checks with the implementation of air filtration systems to ensure she breathes clean, microbe-free air
4.changes to Lucy's diet to help her lose weight, as being overweight can impact her joints and long-term livelihood.
5. Move to a protected contact management system to increase her autonomy

That is not enough Lucy continues to be :

1. micro-managed

2. lives in freezing climate

3. living in isolation

4. Lucy indoor enclosure doesn't meet her needs and requires more indoor and outdoor space

5. Shows stereotypical behavior's

6. handlers guide her with bull hooks

7. made to paint

8. play hide & seek

9. pee in a drain

Edmonton Zoo can't afford to care for Lucy , and in 2021 was ranked #1 worst zoo as she continuous to live in sub zero temperatures alone and her living conditions continue to deteriorate her physically and mentally.

Just recently Canada's Accredited Zoos and Aquariums (CAZA) opened up an investigation at Edmonton zoo for potentially breaking the law for not meeting Canadian standards a number of animals enclosures do not currently meet (CAZA) standards.

Please sign the petition to The City council of Edmonton and the Mayor to take immediate action for the first time in Lucy's history 2 out 3 assessments have confirmed that Lucy should be RETIRED and moved to a sanctuary.

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