The undersigned residents of Kaufman County, unincorporated area, bounded by FM 148 on the SW side, FM 1390 on the SE side, US Hwy 175 on the NE side, and County Road 4104 on the NW side, excluding any incorporated areas of Kaufman or Crandall, hereby petition the Kaufman County Commissioner's Court for a more equitable treatment upon the apportionment of road and drainage funds in the county. The undersigned residents, and non-resident landowners, are all taxpayers to the county in one form or another. The signers to this petition are representative of all residents in this area. We feel that we have been shortchanged for years, with our tax dollars being taken by the county and spent in other areas. We respectfully demand that the county now accelerate repairs to the roads in this area, namely County Road 4100, County Road 4101, County Road 4102, County Road 4104, County Road 4106, and what is the probably the longest and worst condition road in this area, with the greatest amount of traffic by far, County Road 4116. Badly eroded drainage ditches alongside County Road 4116 pose a great hazard to traffic. I, Gerald Woods, personally slid off into the ditch alongside County Road 4116, during the month of May and turned my truck over and totaled it, The ditch has eroded over past the edge of the asphalt of the roadway. It has exposed the communications cable that was buried 8 feet deep alongside the roadway.

    Also the County has shirked it responsibilities to enforce health and building ordinances relating to high weeds along side the roads, and trash accumulations on public and private properties in this area. There are three burned and abandoned mobile homes in this area, some of which have been there for years, attractive nuisances for the children of this neighborhood, and havens for rats, and other pests, dangerous to all. We respectfully demand that the county move to demolish and remove these burned mobile homes, and if necessary lien the properties involved for the costs of the removal. We also demand that the county act to remove trash dumped in yards and on public right of ways, making our neighborhoods safer and more sanitary. High weeds alongside county roads should be mowed regularly to reduce pests such as mosquitoes and rats. High weeds on private property should have citations written to force compliance. We need the County to step up and make our neighborhoods safer and more livable, to do what an individual cannot do by law. This area is becoming a vast slum, and it is home to more than 1000 residents,
    more than 300 single family residences. Neglect by the county is the primary reason for the decline in the quality of the roads, the drainage, and the overall quality of the area.
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