Stop Koreans, Chinese and Indonesia from BOILING DOGS , CATS AND OTHER ANIMALS ALIVE

Dear All Good Heart People,

Today in well-educated countries like China, Indonesia and Korea, poor dogs, cats and other innocent animals are burnt alive keeping them in boiling water and oil until they are ready to be eaten. It's really breaking everyone's hearts. I didn't say eating animals wrong, because it's their tradition. But the way they are killing these animals by burning them alive is wrong and it's not appreciable. This must be stopped! So, my humble request to all good heart people is: Sign this petition to stop this violent way of killing animals. Let's make sure this won't happen anymore in this world, anywhere. We all should join together to rise our voice to save poor animals!

Thank You,

Dear All Good Heart People,

Today Well educated countries like China, Indonesia and Korea were Poor Dog, Cat and other innocent animals alive burning and kept in the boiling water and oil until they are ready to be eaten. It’s really breaking everyone hearts. I didn't say eating animals wrong because it’s their tradition but the way they killing alive burning animals wrong and it’s not appreciable this must be stopped. So, my humble request to all good heart people to sign this petition to stop this kind of things not to be happens anymore in this world anywhere. We all should join together to rise our voice to save poor animals.
Thank You,

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