• av: Renata Rebetez
  • mottagare: Governor of the State of Puebla, Mexico

A few days ago, a man called Juan Castillo Pérez (el Matagatos, the Cat Killer) published on his FB account several videos and picutres of flagrant animal and child abuse, a small child was present during heinous acts of cruelty such as cats being torn to pieces by dogs, (part of his pitbull training program for dogs to be used in dog fights), dogs hanging by their ears and other horrors.  The social networks and several public figures promptly reacted when this images became known, and this individual is being searched for by the police.  The problem is that he will not serve time in prison, because the State of Puebla (Mexico) has no legislation concerning animal abuse. Members of Congress are promoting the adoptionn of such a legislation, and it's the moment to make pressure on the Pueblan government to help fight this cancer of violence in our society.  I ask you to sign this petition, and to address a polite message to the Governor of Puebla, stating that this situation has been known at an international level and that you will advise people to avoid visiting Puebla (which relies heavily on tourism) as long as there is no animal protection legislation in place.

Animal welfare activists in Mexico are fighting with everything they've got  to change the situation of animal abuse in our country, but they need your help to help those that have no voice.

Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas

Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Puebla


telefono 01-(222)-242-8118

telefono 01-(222)-242-4547

telefono 01-(222)-242-4597


There is another petition circulating in the internet concerning this same situation, it's in Spanish, but if you wish to sing it,  this is the link

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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