Milford new Hampshire is a beautiful town with many kind human beings and more importantly, living animals that call our woods HOME. i live on Boynton hill rd in Milford new Hampshire and I've seem many animals come and go but some call my back yard their home. they raise family's here, they hunt here and they DESERVE to be here and why on earth would we take that right away because we want to extend a road that doesn't need extending. we have MANY new houses in Milford, many old houses in Milford and half of them are empty so why are we making more houses when we haven't filled the ones we already have?! please please please help me in the efforts to save the life of these animals. i haven't seen our friend the bobcat since they started cutting down his home and that just leads me to believe they've already killed many animals already. save the ones that are left before they're all gone.

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