This U.S. Governor Endorsed a Violent Cockfighting Group. Demand Accountability!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt

In a shocking turn of events that has animal lovers and ethical Oklahomans reeling, Governor Kevin Stitt has announced his support for the Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission, an organization infamous for its attempts to lessen penalties for the cruel practice of cockfighting. Why Governor Stitt gave such an alarming endorsement is clearer once it's revealed that Stitt, along with other politicians in Oklahoma, has received donations from the Gamefowl Commission.

Sign the petition to demand Governor Stitt issue a public apology and commit to refusing any future donations from organizations associated with animal abuse, including those linked to cockfighting.

Cockfighting is a brutal bloodsport that is illegal in all 50 states. The cruel practice subjects birds to unimaginable suffering for the sake of entertainment and profit. The governor's message is a betrayal of public trust and a step backward in the fight against animal cruelty.

The Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission's history, including having a former district director charged with a felony related to cockfighting, and its attempts to influence lawmakers to soften penalties for cockfighting are alarming. That Governor Stitt, along with other Oklahoma politicians, has received donations from this organization raises serious ethical concerns.

Sign the petition to call on Governor Stitt to publicly apologize and to take a firm stand against organizations that promote or support animal cruelty!

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