Ask Transgender Males to Females to be aware of the Horse abuse invloved in HRT Premarin

This is a petition for all people who love animals to reach out to our transgender friends and make them aware of the animal cruelty involved in Premarin.

Males changing to Females take High doses of HRT medications to reduce their Testosterone. This includes Premarin. Many of them buy medication from online or from friends. Many do not know about premarin cruelty or may not care about animals at all.

Lets help educate them about the animal cruelty involved in Premarin. Regardless of your thoughts or beliefs this is for the horses.

Please watch these 2 videos and send them to your transgender friends if you know if any.

This video explains Premarin

Premarin® and Horse Slaughter - The Ugly Truth Behind the Label

Peta Link

Premarin is made from Pregnant Mares urine.

For six months of the year the mares are outside, where they are annually impregnated. The mares, stabled inside for the other six months of the year, are restrained in a variety of ways, with plastic urine-collection bags in place. These bags can limit movement on their own, but many of these horses are restrained part or all of the time, further restricting natural movement. Morbidity can result, with infection and other skin injury resulting from the urine bags, and the restriction of movement can also lead to disability. Fluid (water) intake is severely restricted, as well.[citation needed] Most horses have a far shorter life-span in this environment than would be expected.

Be aware of premarin cruelty and inform your Transgender friends who may not know.

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