Stop Drilling Scott Reef, Australia

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Woodside Petroleum, The Hon Tony Burke MP- Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water and Population
The pristine marine region around Scott Reef is offshore the Kimberley coast in Western Australia.  Its waters are inhabited by an extraordinary profusion of marine life including the illusive whale shark, the pigmy blue whale and are the breeding grounds for green turtles.

Scott Reef provides nesting, feeding and migratory habitat for endangered green sea turtles as well as for loggerheads, hawksbills,  flatbacks and other sea turtles. The green turtles that inhabit the waters around Scott Reef are considered to be a genetically distinct population of the globally endangered species.

Woodside Petroleum plans to drill up to 90 wells in and around Scott Reef. After drilling its gas wells into Scott Reef, Woodside wants to pump the gas to its proposed gas hub at James Price Point - potentially dealing a double blow to the environment on both land and sea in this extraordinary part of the Kimberley.

Tell Woodside Petroleum no drilling in Kimberly's Scott Reef.

Peter Coleman, CEO  Woodside Petroleum
Woodside Energy Ltd.
Woodside Plaza
Perth, Western Australia 6000
Phone: 61 8 9348 4000
Fax: 61 8 9214 2777

The Hon Tony Burke  MP
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water and Population
PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Phone: 02- 6277 7640
Fax: 02- 6273 6101

The pristine marine region around Scott Reef is offshore the Kimberley coast in Western Australia.  Its waters are inhabited by an extraordinary profusion of marine life including the illusive whale shark, the pigmy blue whale and are the breeding grounds for green turtles.

Scott Reef provides nesting, feeding and migratory habitat for endangered green sea turtles as well as for loggerheads, hawksbills,  flatbacks and other sea turtles. The green turtles that inhabit the waters around Scott Reef are considered to be a genetically distinct population of the globally endangered species.

Woodside Petroleum plans to drill up to 90 wells in and around Scott Reef. After drilling its gas wells into Scott Reef, Woodside wants to pump the gas to its proposed gas hub at James Price Point - potentially dealing a double blow to the environment on both land and sea in this extraordinary part of the Kimberley.

Tell Woodside Petroleum no drilling in Kimberly's Scott Reef.

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