Save the Killer Whale, Tilijum, at Sea World

  • av: Ann Brpoks
  • mottagare: Mr. Terry Prather, President, Sea World Orlando, 7007 Sea World Dr; Orlando, Fl 32821

Tilikum, was captured as a baby 30 years ago and forced to endure close spaces and attacts by the other whales.  Has killed already three people due to his anger and frustration and should be taken back to the ocean as they did Keiko in the movie, FREE WILLY.  Tilikem is now living in a small space with no interaction with the other whales and performs a few times a day on hiw own - WITH NO TRAINERS now allowed to be with him.  Pls write Mr. Prater, Presdient, of Sea Worls and ask him to let Tilikem be free again.  Would be a huge PR boost to them if they did this ann Tilikem could live more years in the ocean as whales usually live only 30 in captivity and up to 80 in the oicean.  Could also call Sea World at (407) 351-3600 and hit button for Executive offices. 

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