Stop the Butcher of Australia's Kangaroos

For approximately 6 months, hundreds of kangaroos are found daily shot, torn apart, and slaughtered. This is not done for their skins, but is godawful, malicious activity.

The Australian government is not interested in launching a hard core investigation. No one knows who is doing this or why, but it's blatantly evil.

We owe this to the animal, for already we are in the Sixth Extinction Period caused by humanity. Indigenous people of Australia need to know people of the world care and want to help in any way they can. The ache in my own heart for what is happening hurts daily.

Please help and sign this petition to approach the Australian government's designated person in a plea to help save these sacred, native animals. If we lean together, we can and will succeed! Bless you all and keep the faith!

Australia's Kangaroo Need

Can u find it in your heart to sign the petition for the

kangaroos of Australia that are being butchered needlessly?

Their petition needs more signatures. We must lean 

together to assist an uncalled for atrocity. Show you care

and have respect for these animals that were once plentiful

and free from insideous human harm. God loves all His


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