Feature Richard Rider Nova in the "Avengers: Infinity War" movie

The Richard Rider Nova character has a long and storied history in the comic book world beginning in 1976 with the publication of "The Man Called Nova." Richard Rider Nova was an important part of the original "Infinity War" comic book event and was prominently featured in the story and on the cover art. We are writing to ask that you include Richard Rider Nova in the Infinity War movie as part of the large cast of characters who will be participating in the war to stop Thanos.

Kevin Feige, Joe Russo, & Anthony Russo
Marvel Studios, LLC
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521

Dear Sirs:

The Richard Rider Nova character has a long and storied history in the comic book world beginning in 1976 with the publication of "The Man Called Nova." Richard Rider Nova was an important part of the original "Infinity War" comic book event and was prominently featured in the story and on the cover art. We are writing to ask that you include Richard Rider Nova in the Infinity War movie as part of the large cast of characters who will be participating in the war to stop Thanos.


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