Support for the animal shelter in Gijon, Northern Spain

Animal shelter Gijon in danger / Albergue de animales en Gijon en peligro

(English text below)
El albergue de animales en Gijón está gestionado por la protectora Amigos del Perro. Es un albergue donde los animales son los primeros:
- Grandes mejoras en el albergue para mejorar la calidad de vida para los animales
 - Programas para adopciones, actividades de voluntariado y actividades educativas
- Promoviendo adopciones responsables y siempre con el animal castrado/esterilizada
Ahora el ayuntamiento ha decidido de no renovar el contrato y poner la gestion otra vez a concurso. Es incomprensible como un proyecto que está funcionando bien tendría que terminar.
Apoyamos el albergue y la gestion. Seria una gran perdida cambiarla.
Sabemos que no hay una politica de sacrificios cero en Asturias, y creemos que un alberge deberia estar gestionado por una entidad protectora de animales con una politica de adopciones, campañas de castraciones/esterilizaciones y sacrificio cero tal y como esta ahora - no dejemos que andamos atras y se cree otra perrera en Asturias!

The animal shelter in Gijon has been managed by the organisation Amigos del Perro for the past three years. This is a shelter that puts its animals first:
- Vast improvements to the shelter to improve living conditions for the animals
- Adoption programmes,
- Volunteer programmes,
- Spaying/neutering before adoption,
- Education
The local council has now decided to start a new tendering process for the following year instead of renewing the contract. It is incomprehensible how a project that is working well, rather the exception to the rule in Spain, would not be allowed to continue.

The undersigned express their support for this animal shelter. It would be a great loss if the management of the shelter was changed. They know all the dogs and cats and the works to improve the shelter are still in progress.

We all know that there is a possibility this shelter would revert to a so-called perrera (dog pond) where dogs are destroyed, as this is not prohibited by law in Asturias. A no-kill policy should be in place in every shelter.
The animal shelter in Gijón has been managed by the organisation “Amigos del Perro” for the past three years.

This is a shelter that puts its animals first:
- Vast improvements to the shelter to improve living conditions for the animals
- Adoption programmes,
- Volunteer programmes,
- Spaying/neutering before adoption,
- Education
The local council has now decided to start a new tendering process for the following year instead of renewing the contract. It is incomprehensible how a project that is working well, rather the exception to the rule in Spain, would not be allowed to continue.
The undersigned express their support for this animal shelter. It would be a great loss if the management of the shelter was changed.
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