Stop the subsidies to A Coruna bullfights

Since 1991, the A Coruna Council (Spain) promotes bullfighting events in the city with public money (taxes). Every year, the municipality spends more than 128.500 euros (170.000$) to support a cruel festival with animals: bullfighting.

Bullfights have no place in a modern society. These cruel events are banned in most countries, but actually are legal in a few territories of the world: Spain, Portugal, South of France, and the south American countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.

A Coruna is a city in northern Spain with an UNESCO World Heritage Site: "Torre de Hercules", the oldest running lighthouse built by the Roman Empire. A Coruna is the only village in  the Galician community with an UNESCO heritage that finances bullfighting. Other Galician cities with World Heritage Sites such as Santiago de Compostela or Lugo don't have any cruel festival with animals.

We ask you to support this petition targeted to A Coruna Council officials, and ask them to stop any subsidies to bullfighting in the city.
I am shocked and angry about the continuing and growing support for bullfighting in A Coruna, Galicia. I have been informed that, since 2000, subsidies to bullfighting have increased by 33%. This is unacceptable for a society respectful towards animals.

The Tower of Hercules, a beautiful Roman monument in this town, has recently been declared a World Heritage Site, but there is not enough money to maintain this monument. It is absurd that bullfighting is given so much support at the expense of genuine culture and history.

As citizen I am outraged by the continuing support for bullfighting. Bulls and horses are sentient creatures and are capable of  experiencing pain and suffering. It is utterly deplorable that such cruelty is still legal and encouraged.

I pledge to boycott any business or establishment which provides coverage of or promotes bullfighting.

I hope that, as political representatives, you will support us in working towards an end to the cruelty of bullfighting in A Coruna and elsewhere.
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