Save the martial arts events in Amsterdam, the Netherlands!

  • av: MMA Fan
  • mottagare: Help to convince the Amsterdam Mayor to support MMA events!
Dear MMA fan,

The mayor of Amsterdam wants to prohibit the MMA/thaiboxing events in the Amsterdam (the Netherlands)! Please help to avoid this.

Young children need heroes to inspire them to set  and achieve their goals. They find such role models in the succesful Dutch martial arts scene; with reigning champions and succesfull fighters active in all leading organisations (e.g. K-1, Strikeforce, DREAM, UFC, GLORY, Shooto, K-1 Max).

We believe that the mayor of Amsterdam should fight for martial arts events in Amsterdam instead against these. Because it are the platforms where the kids can see their heroes in action!

- Do you believe this too?

- And do you want to fight with us?


Thank you
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