Restore Orangutan Habitat! COP

Would you like to be able to contribute to the restoration of Orangutan habitat using your Care2 butterfly credits?

There may be a way.

Trees for the Future ("TFTF"), the Care2 partner group through whom your gifts of planting trees are administered, maintains several projects throughout the world, but not in places like Sumatra, Borneo, or Malaysia.  In order to start a new project, a host group has to propose a project to TFTF, so we would need to find a host group in the region that would be willing to partner with TFTF to start a project.

Centre for Orangutan Protection ("COP") is one group that may be able to help.

The purpose of this petition is ask COP to partner with TFTF so that Care2 members can contribute their butterfly credits to the restoration of Orangutan habitat.  Care2 can provide substantial resources to through its dedicated membership (nearly 100,000 trees have been given by Care2 members since the butterfly credit program started in 2009) that COP could use in achieving its conservation goals.  It's a win-win proposition.

Please sign, so that we can make this happen.
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