Presidential Debate - Women's issues & Media Sexism 

There have been lots of issues talked about in the Presidential debates but two items that have not gotten much coverage are women's issues and the sexism and misogyny in the media during the current election.

Race has been talked about and discussed and in fact the Congressional Black Caucus sponsored a debate.

What about women?  Women issues deserve to be highlighted and the sexism and misogyny displayed in this election should be addressed.  We will not heal as a country until we do.

We are asking the sponsors of the next two Democratic debates to ensure us that these issues will be addressed.  As an added note a question about the "gender card" does not count unless of course you want to also ask about the "race card."
There have been lots of issues talked about in the Presidential debates but two items that have not gotten much coverage are women's issues and the sexism and misogyny in the media during the current election.

Race has been talked about and discussed and in fact the Congressional Black Caucus sponsored a debate.

What about women?  Women issues deserve to be highlighted and the sexism and misogyny displayed in this election should be addressed.  We will not heal as a country until we do.

We are asking the sponsors of the next two Democratic debates to ensure us that these issues will be addressed.  As an added note a question about the "gender card" does not count unless of course you want to also ask about the "race card."
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