Let us have fresh air, fresh mind

  • av: CTIM
  • mottagare: everyone

Sign the petition to offset a pound of carbon

about the need

Global warming is one of the biggest threats facing our environment, human health and even national security. Global warming pollution from carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases caused by human activities is heating up our atmosphere, melting our polar ice caps, and threatening species like polar bears.

about this gift

Balance out the carbon emissions from your activities, such as your daily computer use, by offsetting 1 pound of carbon with this gift. A carbon offset represents a reduction in CO2 somewhere, like a renewable energy or reforestation project.

about Carbonfund.org

Carbonfund.org is the leading nonprofit carbon offset and climate solutions organization. Carbonfund.org has over 450,000 individual supporters and 1,300 business and organizational partners

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 Good day.

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