Support the Proposed Humane Animal Services Shelter, Adoption Center, and Hospital Project in New Fresno

Chairman Sal Quintero
Hall of Records, Room 301
2281 Tulare Street
Fresno, California 93721-2198

Re: Letter of Support for the Proposed "Animal Shelter/Hospital" Project
Filed by Fresno Humane Animal Services
Initial Study Application No. 7359; General Plan Amendment Application No. 552;and Amendment Application No. 3852

Dear Chairman Quintero,

I am writing to you to express my support for the applications that will provide the necessary land use approvals for a proposed "Animal Shelter/Hospital" on 4-acres of land in the northwest area of the community. It is my understanding that the proposal will be coming to your Board for consideration of both the Staff and Planning Commission recommendations on September 11, 2018.

In my opinion, this project has been carefully designed by the applicant and reviewed by your staff, who is recommending "Approval" of the project. Also, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed project on July 26, 2018, and heard testimony both for and against the proposal. The Commission agreed with the County staff and is recommending approval of the General Plan Amendment and the Amendment Application to rezone the 4-acre project site to the M-1(c) zone district.

This type of use is very much needed in the community, and the location on Grantland Avenue backing up to Freeway 99 seems like a very appropriate location for such a use. The applicant has "conditioned" the County Applications to only allow for one specific use to occur on the site even though the City of Fresno General Plan would allow for a variety of "Non-Residential" uses to occur on the same site. The result of this "Conditioning" is that the future impacts to the area (traffic, noise, etc.) are less than if the site were to develop according to the City's plans.

I would appreciate this letter being made a part of the "Public Record" and sincerely request your support for the proposed project.

Thank you for your time.

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