Trudeau back up animal rights.

  • av: Bailee Reid
  • mottagare: Prime Minister Justin Truduea
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,

Make animal rights a priority in your plans for a better Canada. Lets lead the way as an example that even our animal populations have meaning.

Implementing a 'Mandatory Responsible pet ownership law" This means that our responsibility as Canadians extends into our compassion for animal welfare.

Let's create a country where dog fighting and puppy mills is an unacceptable practice.

Animal cruelty and hoarding will not get a chance and our shelters will be what theywere intended to be safe havens/ temporary safe and clean until a forever home is found. Not the congested unsanitary prisons they've become.

Please make Pet neglect ie: starvation and urgent medical care no longer allowable as this is not how Canada built its friendly and compassionate reputation.

We can do better.
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