Demand an end to the cruel practice of puppies being smuggled into the UK!

Gangs are smuggling puppies into Britain from horrendous farms across Ireland and Eastern Europe. Sold with fake documents, many puppies are maltreated and diseased, and die shortly after arriving with their new families. 

Some puppy smugglers have been using fake documents such as passports and pedigree forms. There is currently a lack of legislature to battle the problem of puppy smuggling into the UK. 

Once in the UK, sellers often pose as small-time breeders and tell buyers that the puppies are bred from their own pets in their home. In fact, the puppies may have suffered tremendous cruelty and unsanitary conditions in a breeding farm, before being torn away from their mothers too early, and forced to take a long journey before arriving in the UK. 

Animal welfare groups are calling for licences to be required in order for breeders in the UK to sell puppies legally, with strong penalties and fines should this be ignored. A database funded by license fees cataloguing puppy sellers could also help tackle the problem.

Because puppies coming into the country are often riddled with disease, fears are being raised about a potential UK rabies outbreak. Puppies often show signs of emotional trauma and can be aggressive and defensive with their new families.

Please sign this petition to the Government minister in charge of animal welfare, demanding she brings in dog seller licences, to put an end to the cruel puppy smuggling trade.

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