The overwhelming victory given to Mr. Macky Sall on March 25, 2012 (with 65.82% of votes), shows a strong desire for change and an insatiable hunger for true democracy by the people of Senegal.
For 12 years, the Republic of Senegal has been crippled by misgovernment by leaders who think themselves more as monarchs rather than representatives of the People; dictators who loot and pillage their own people thinking they will be accountable to no one. The result of this mindlessness has been widespread corruption, which resulted in rampant poverty, lack of solid infrastructures and basic institutions.
The outcome of corruption sprouts from the misuse and deviation of funds intended for the development of a country and undermines any government’s ability to provide basic services to its people. It also undermines the rule of law, feeding inequality and injustice, discouraging foreign investment, further impeding development. As the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Southern Africa Representative Jonathan Lucas well puts it: “ [Corruption is] a crime against development, democracy, education, prosperity, public health and justice - what many would consider the pillars of social well-being."
That being said, it is alleged that the outgoing government has been the most corrupt that this country has ever seen. It cannot be ignored that government employees who, prior to joining the government of Mr. Abdoulaye Wade, were at best part of the Senegalese middle class, have become overnight millionaires/billionaires with countless real estate properties after joining the government of Mr. Wade.
It is also well known that the outgoing president Mr. Abdoulaye Wade had thought of the presidency given to him by the Senegalese people as a monarchy ruled by him and his family. We have witnessed him entrust his son Karim Meissa Wade with vast responsibilities that far exceeded those assigned to ordinary ministers. It is alleged that Karim’s ministerial portfolio was just a little short of 50% of the country’s budget:
*In 2002, Karim Wade was named Personal Advisor to the President of the Republic. He was in charge of implementing major restructuring projects, mainly the New International Airport of Diass, the restructuring of Chemical Industries of Senegal (Industries Chimiques du Senegal, ICS), and the creation of the special integrated economic zone of Dakar.
* In 2004, Karim Wade was named President of ANOCI. He was in charge of preparing and organizing the 11th Islamic Summit. He had billions at his disposal. The disposition of those funds are still in debate:
o Mr. Macky Sall was allegedly forced to resign as president of the National Assembly after calling for the audit of the ANOCI funds.
* In 2009, Karim Wade was appointed Minister of State for International Cooperation, Regional Development (Aménagement du territoire), Air Transport, and Infrastructure).
* In 2010, Karim Wade was appointed as the Minister of Energy and Biofuels of Senegal. His incompetence and lack of experience resulted in the people of Senegal having to endure incessant power outages for many years.
Aside from the blatant nepotism cited above, the outgoing president of Senegal distributed Senegalese taxpayers’ money as he saw fit. He allegedly had the habit of distributing millions of our money to the many visitors of the presidential palace as “Pass.†He also allegedly distributed millions if not billions of Senegalese taxpayers’ money as “Adiya†to the different “Tarikhas†in the country. The distributions of “Pass†or “Adiya†are acts that are rooted in the Senegalese culture. We would not have any problem with those gestures had the money been his own to give away. We are objecting because the distributed money allegedly came from government funds.
For too long, Africans have taken it for granted that government officials and their relatives steal from them without consequence; it has come to be expected that any elected official will be corrupted and will enrich him/herself with taxpayers’ money. It is time to stop this destructive cycle of thinking. It is time to put an end to this injustice. It is time to take back what is rightfully ours and expect more from our elected officials. We, the Senegalese People can no longer sit and be passive. It is time to set an unprecedented example within our continent by demanding a wave of reform and change. Let us start our own African Spring or Winter or Summer, whichever. To do this, Let us start by holding accountable those who have kept our great nation of Senegal hostage for 12 years.
This petition aims to remind Mr. Macky Sall that he is elected by the Senegalese People. We, the People have auditioned him for a job and deemed him more qualified for the presidency of Senegal. In light of this, we the People demand justice and we want the Republic of Senegal to audit the outgoing president of Senegal Mr. Abdoulaye Wade and bring to light the unaccounted for billions of Senegalese taxpayers’ money that went up in smokes during his tenure.
We are also asking for the government of Senegal to open an investigation into some of Mr. Wade’s entourage for the allegations cited below:
* Farba Senghor, Ex-Minister of Air Transport (Transports Aériens)
o We demand that the Government of Senegal opens an investigation of Mr. Senghor for defiling, with cow dung and dirt, the home of Mr. Idrissa Seck Ex-Prime Minister of Senegal. The only thing Mr. Seck was guilty of, to receive such treatment, was that he was no longer in good terms with President Wade.
o We demand that the Government of Senegal opens a new investigation into the sponsored rampage of the headquarters of news magazines L'As and 24 Heures Chrono. The 12 thugs Mr. Senghor allegedly recruited for this purpose received a presidential pardon on the same day the Court of Appeal of Dakar confirmed their three-year prison sentences.
o We demand an audit of Mr. Senghor for diversion of funds from the state. In 12 years, Mr. Senghor has gone from a simple aide to then candidate Abdoulaye Wade, with no higher education, to a millionaire owning multiple real estate in Senegal and abroad as well as a very garnished bank account
* Lamine Faye, Bodyguard and Nephew to President Abdoulaye Wade
o We demand that the Government opens a new investigation into the October 2003 aggression of Talla Sylla the leader of Jef-Jel. All leads in the preliminary investigation of this case converge towards the president’s nephew. However, this case was eventually dismissed because the special brigade and the police could never hear the respondent.
o We demand that the government opens an investigation into Mr. Faye for electricity theft (the cost of which now amounts to over 5 million CFA) and threats at gunpoint of a SENELEC agent
o We demand that the government opens an investigation into the attacks of the Sacré Coeur Town-Hall, which resulted in the death of one person. Mr. Faye is alleged to have been the mastermind
These are only two of the most flamboyant of Mr. Wade’s entourage. The list is too long to include in this petition.
We demand that an example be made out of the above mentioned, to prevent any such actions in the future.
Dear Mr. President,
We the undersigned have high hopes in your presidency. We hope you will be the president that this country has never had, by putting the will and well-being of the people of Senegal first. We also want you to to be the president this country has never had by fighting against corruption and establishing the rule of law.
We the udersigned want justice. We want you to set an unprecedented example by auditing the outgoing government. We also want you to open investigations into the outgoing cases mentioned in this petition.
We thank you for taking the time to read this letter and consider our will.
The Undersigned
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