Demanding an investigation into the criminal activities of PM Shinzo Abe.

Point #1 -We, the compassionate people of the world demand a complete and thorough investigation into the criminal activities of the Prime Minister of Japan : Shinzo Abe. The illegal activities he is condoning in the Southern Ocean by allowing ships of his country to conduct whaling operations there. This is illegal as deemed by the International Court of Justice. Point#2 - His refusal to accept proper assistance regarding the Fukashima nuclear plant disaster which at present and for the last four years been leaching radioactive material into the Worlds Oceans. Point#3 - The hunting and slaughter of sentient beings ( Dolphins & Whales ) from the coasts of Taiji and other provinces to supply the soon to be defunct Marine Park industry. By and large the worst part of this is slaughtering entire pods of Dolphins and Whales to be processed for meat products to their own people. These animals are tainted with mercury and radioactive particulates that when consumed pose a serious health risk. This must be stopped immediately! They do this out of an inherent arrogant pride, false tradition and above all greed. PM Abe is in the eyes of the World guilty of these crimes and a full and thorough investigation must be carried out and followed through. By supporting and condoning these activities he is considered an active participant.

Point #1 -We, the compassionate people of the world demand a complete and thorough investigation into the criminal activities of the Prime Minister of Japan : Shinzo Abe. The illegal activities he is condoning in the Southern Ocean by allowing ships of his country to conduct whaling operations there. This is illegal as deemed by the International Court of Justice. Point#2 - His refusal to accept proper assistance regarding the Fukashima nuclear plant disaster which at present and for the last four years been leaching radioactive material into the Worlds Oceans. Point#3 - The hunting and slaughter of sentient beings ( Dolphins & Whales ) from the coasts of Taiji and other provinces to supply the soon to be defunct Marine Park industry. By and large the worst part of this is slaughtering entire pods of Dolphins and Whales to be processed for meat products to their own people. These animals are tainted with mercury and radioactive particulates that when consumed pose a serious health risk. This must be stopped immediately! They do this out of an inherent arrogant pride, false tradition and above all greed. PM Abe is in the eyes of the World guilty of these crimes and a full and thorough investigation must be carried out and followed through. By supporting and condoning these activities he is considered an active participant. We also strongly suggest that these operations conducted by Japan be immediately shut down by whatever means necessary while an investigation is ongoing. We are certain that the governments of several countries would fully support this. The US, UK, New Zealand and Australia. Thank you.

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