Demand Help For Shelters in the GTA!

  • av: Alexandra M
  • mottagare: Rob Burton, John Tory, Bonnie Crombie, mayors of Oakville, Toronto and Mississauga

Have you ever been to a shelter? Have you ever seen the situations there? There are dogs, and cats, that have been dumped outside by their owners and abandoned on the streets, to die or to possibly be picked up by shelters or pounds.
For the past 2 years, I have been really passionate about helping these animals. I made it my goal to visit a shelter, The Oakville-Milton Humane Society. I saw so many animals that had potential to be in a home and be loved. All of the dogs had some sort of anxiety. And why? Because they were left on a road or abandoned to shelters. They think that they had loving owners once, but now, they did something wrong and were not loved anymore. The cats were amazing as well. There was a cat called Siri who lost her vocals. But did it stop her from making a new friend? No. We need to support these loving animals. To save them. To help them be happy. Isn't that what we all want for ourselves? So then why can't shelter animals have the same?

We need to give more donations to the shelters around countries, even cities. So why not start with the GTA?

Please, have a heart and do something to change the fate of these animals.

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