A Race Against Time - JSPCA's Struggle To Find A New Home Continues
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Published:Sunday | March 15, 2015Tyrone Thompson
Time is running out for the Jamaica Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (JSPCA) as a Supreme Court order has given the group less than eight months to leave the 10 Winchester Road premises that they have called home for more than 20 years.The JSPCA was initially given notice to vacate the Winchester Road location in 2013, when the government had put the property up for sale.

Animals will have to be put down if they do not find a new home and the goverment has no intention to help the situation they have created for this Not For Profit Organization. Due to the ridiculous cost to rent/buy real estate in Kingston & St Andrew Jamaica's heartbeat parish the likelihood of them finding a new home is very minimal !

WE NEED TO PROTECT AND SAVE OUR ANIMALS AS THIS IS HOME TO MANY AND WE ALREADY HAVE SO MANY STRAY DOGS IMAGINE HOW MUCH MORE WILL BE ON THE STREET? We need to protect our animals as our Goverment obviously could care less about them. Please see all the articles with supporting evidence:

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