Alberta: Protect Wildlife and Ban the Use of Neck Snares

  • av: Amelia Meister
  • mottagare: Alberta Minister of Environment, Shannon Phillips

In Alberta there are no regulations against the use of neck snares. Neck snares are a very inhumane method of trapping wolves, generally to protect livestock from attacks. However, neck snares are often ensnaring other animals including cougars, eagles and bears.

Neck snares are brutal killers. Designed to quickly strangle with wire, the snares often catch an animal by a limb and result in a brutally slow and painful death. These snares catch whatever comes their way, including pets and at-risk species.

Because there are no regulations around use of neck snares in Alberta, they are often scattered around a bait area. These areas call in many more animals than just the targets.

Sign today to protect wildlife in Alberta from these brutal and indiscriminate killers.

To Shannon Phillips, 

As a person concerned with the humane treatment of all animals, I am writing today to ask you to ban the use of neck snares in Alberta. Neck snares are a brutal and indiscriminate killers. They ensnare many different species including cougars, eagles and bears. 

Alberta must catch up with the times and ban the use of neck snares. There are other, more humane, methods of trapping. To protect the beautiful and necessary wildlife in Alberta, the neck snare must be banned. 

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