This is a petition to stop trash trucks from picking up before 6:00 a.m. in Hagerstown, Maryland.

Trash trucks coming in and recycling trucks and dumpster trucks dumping at 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m., and 3:45 a.m. At least one day a week I got to wake up to a garbage truck. Oh yeah, street sweeper or the train I can deal with, but even the diesel truck with the banging and slamming of everything because they're pissed off about something they're irritated with. Hell, because they know people are sleeping and they're acting like it. I think hell because I used to be the same way for a little while. I realized how messed up it was. There's the attitude well if I'm awake you're going to be awake. It's not that hard. Don't pick up into the city noise ordinance lets you because they're actually violating it. Not like a place would do anything. I have not found any specific laws stating that trash trucks have any special ordinance.

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