Demand Republicans Reinstate the Trans Rep They BANNED!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Montana legislature

Once again, a Republican-dominated legislature has taken the radical step of punishing a Democratic lawmaker who dared to speak out against their radicalism and bigotry.

This time, the Montana GOP has banned the state's first transgender rep, Zooey Zephyr, from entering the state house entirely for the remainder of the 2023 session for telling them to their faces that their vicious and cruel anti-trans laws would lead to trans kids dying.

Demand the Montana GOP give Zooey Zephyr her voice back!

"When I continued to not be recognized, my community came and said that they let me speak. When the speaker gaveled down, he was driving a nail in the coffin of the nail of democracy. But you cannot kill democracy that easily, and that is why they kept chanting let her speak," said Zephyr in a powerful speech right before she was expelled.

They CANNOT kill democracy that easily — and we are going to let them know just how big of a mistake the GOP just made with this outrageously undemocratic show of tyranny.

Demand the Montana GOP un-ban trans Rep. Zooey Zephyr from the statehouse!

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