Protect Canada Geese in Currituck County, NC

At Maple Park in Currituck County, North Carolina in 2017 numerous healthy, beautiful Canada Geese were euthanized without a chance for other solutions. The Canada geese have witnessed bullying at its worst. There was no proof presented to the public and or county of a problem, nor any other possible solutions. No public meeting. No vote.

This issue was handled callously and we will not let it happen again! You have killed and removed a joy for local children or for anyone looking to come to this area and feel at peace surrounded by natural beauty. 

With 2500+ signatures petition will be presented to our North Carolina U. S. Senator - Richard Burr 217 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC20510 (202) 224-3154. We can protect these geese, our mascot for which our county is named! Let your voice be heard and do your part to save the future of geese in Currituck.

Here is a link address to this appalling act covered by the local news. Educate yourself...

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