Pass the Equality Act!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: United States Congress

In 29 states, LGBTQ+ people have limited-to-no protections. From housing security to employment protections or even access to basic services, the Equality Act would ensure equal rights where these states have aggressively failed.

With Democrats in control of the Senate and the White House, and just a few seats down in the House, we must pass the Equality Act NOW.

Add your name to demand Congress pass the Equality Act!

Across the country Republican legislatures are doubling down on anti-LGBTQ hate, literally torturing trans children and banning books that even mention the word "gay." Of course, we all know that they're only getting started.

But we can stop them. The Equality Act will include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected characteristics under civil rights law – finally legally protecting LGBTQ+ people nationwide from discrimination.

We must move with urgency – because every day that we delay, our LGBTQ+ communities continue to face hostile living and work environments. Let's end this NOW by passing the Equality Act.

Sign here to tell Congress to pass the Equality Act NOW!

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