Urgent Call to Action!

The trial of two brothers (Benjamin Conley, 34, and Nicholas Conley, 31), both of Lansing, Michigan, began Monday in Ingham County Circuit Court before Judge William ColletteThe brothers are on trial for the brutal, horrific torture of their mother’s pit bull. They face felony charges of animal torture and conspiracy to commit animal torture. Each faces up to four years in prison.

Not surprisingly, this isn’t the first offense done by the Conleys. Nick was previously convicted of one felony and Ben has two prior felonies.  Witnesses have described seeing the dog hanging by a chain off the roof of the house, with Nicholas Conley holding the chain. The dog was suspended for several minutes, fighting to stay alive. A witness testified at preliminary hearing last year that Nicholas Conley stabbed the dog inside a crate.

On September 6th an Animal Control deputy was called to the house by the brothers’ own mother, who owned the dog. Upon arriving the deputy found the butchered, abused dog still alive lying in a freshly dug hole. The dog had been stabbed multiple times, said Ingham County Assistant Prosecutor Danielle Dixon. The dog was later euthanized.

The brothers’ mother has stated “There was no just cause or excuse for their actions”! The brothers are claiming self-defense. “In this case the victim doesn’t have a voice, so we have to be the voice for that victim,” said Deputy Kyle Hanney, who works for the Ingham County Animal Control.

It is imperative that a message is sent to the community that heinous acts of cruelty towards animals will not be overlooked.  Please contact Judge Collette at (517) 676-7223 or at and urge him to do right by this dog and punish this deadly duo to the fullest extent of the law!

Honorable William E. Collette
(517) 676-7223
Veterans Memorial Courthouse
313 W. Kalamazoo Street
P.O. Box 40771
Lansing, MI  48901-7971

RE:  Punish Conley Brothers to Fullest Extent of the Law for Torturing and
       Killing Their Mother's Pit Bull

Dear Judge Collette:

The trial of two brothers (Benjamin Conley, 34, and Nicholas Conley, 31), both of Lansing, Michigan, began Monday, before you, in Ingham County Circuit CourtThe brothers are on trial for the brutal, horrific torture of their mother’s pit bull. They face felony charges of animal torture and conspiracy to commit animal torture. Each faces up to four years in prison.

Not surprisingly, this isn’t the first offense done by the Conleys. Nick was previously convicted of one felony and Ben has two prior felonies.  Witnesses have described seeing the dog hanging by a chain off the roof of the house, with Nicholas Conley holding the chain. The dog was suspended for several minutes, fighting to stay alive. A witness testified at preliminary hearing last year that Nicholas Conley stabbed the dog inside a crate.

On September 6th an Animal Control deputy was called to the house by the brothers’ own mother, who owned the dog. Upon arriving the deputy found the butchered, abused dog still alive lying in a freshly dug hole. The dog had been stabbed multiple times, said Ingham County Assistant Prosecutor Danielle Dixon. The dog was later euthanized.

The brothers’ mother has stated “There was no just cause or excuse for their actions”! The brothers are claiming self-defense. “In this case the victim doesn’t have a voice, so we have to be the voice for that victim,” said Deputy Kyle Hanney, who works for the Ingham County Animal Control.

It is imperative that a message is sent to the community that heinous acts of cruelty towards animals will NOT be overlooked.  I urge you, Judge Collette, to do right by this dog and sentence these two men to the maximum extent of the law for their unspeakable cruelty in the prolonged torture of their own mother's dog. 

A sincere petitioner, I am :                                                 

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
A GUILTY VERDICT was returned by the jury on Aug. 28! BUT DON'T STOP NOW!

It is MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER that you EMAIL JUDGE COLLETTE and urge him to HAND DOWN THE HARSHEST SENTENCE AVAILABLE ACCORDING TO THE LAW. Sentencing is scheduled for Sept. 24. The petition letter has been extended to Sept. 19 if you wish to use it!

CONTACT Judge William Collette
Phone: (517) 676-7223
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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