Ask Tesco to Stock Brands That DON'T Torture Animals

In the UK almost all household cleaning products are tested on animals. They don’t have to be, but the biggest brands with the most money use this as an “easy” option. Animals are force-fed high doses of chemicals or have a chemical rubbed into their shaved backs. The results are horrific and even if the test is not fatal, they are usually killed anyway. All so that we can use our Fairy liquid or Domestos bleach.

Tesco Caterham used to stock a wider range of cruelty-free products - Ecover, Method and Ritual. (FYI these are priced the same as most other brands.) Now, Tesco has decreased its stock to one/two product from each brand. That’s max. 5 cruelty-free products in the whole of Tesco.

Please join me in asking them to make it easier for us not to participate in animal cruelty.

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