That is the last thing we need is to have the mighty Grizzly Bear delisted and be allowed to be hunted down tell their numbers are so low that we won't be able to do anything about it. The Grizzly bear is a slow producing mammal. The Fish and Wildlife do not need to be involved when it comes to the popluation control. Its bad enough that the wolf got delisted off the Endangered List. Heck why not take every animal off that list and have a shooting spree. Let's go back to our great great grandparen'ts time and almost kill every creature that they did and get it near or all the way extinct???  Why not take the Bald Eagle off that list and start shooting them :( ......... The Grizzly bear needs to be left alone and not bothered Please sign my petition

Dear Fish and Wildlife please reconsider The Grizzly bear and don't take them off the Endangered list... They are a majestic creature and they need to stay that way..

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