Justice needed for victims of sex slavery in New Zealand

Basic human right to say NO.

Women in New Zealand should not be raped, tortured and dehumanized by corruption in government departments. I have another complaint. This time with the Ombudsman.

Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Raped, welfare cut off, made stateless, no consent to have sex with anyone. Have sex or die of starvation, say corrupt socialist police. Not allowed kids. Prevented from working, not allowed a lawyer or ID, passport or driver license. I will not shut up. I refuse to tell lies. I have never been crazy and I am not crazy now. I have never been willing. I am not the only one. Many others are getting the same treatment from Corrupt Socialists in government departments.l
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Its my body, no means no. It does not belong to the government to rape, molester and use for sex tourism. Women and children are not disposable. Sex trafficking, sex slavery, comfort women. This is not a service or a trade.
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