Stop the torture of animals in Greece

  • av: Monica Cabras
  • mottagare: Greek Tourism Minister, government of Greece

The conditions in which lives farm animals (goats , sheep , donkeys , horses , oxen , cows , pigs) do not guarantee the welfare of the animals.
I have observed that all farm animals in Greece , although they were in a paddock and therefore unable to flee , are brutally tied in the legs and neck to prevent movement. Donkeys and horses are linked to a very short rope fastened to a pole . All of these animals are in the sun and unable to reach any shelter and have neither water nor food available; they are fed only once a day by the owners.
These animals live in conditions at the edge of survival. This situation in Greece is not found in any other European state. Likewise it is not acceptable the sale of dogs, cats and other animals in the shops where they are locked up and piled in small display cases for long periods and displayed in the windows. Although this phenomenon is not found in the rest of Europe. I point out that these shows indecent hit the sensibilities of those who, like me, loves Greece and its beauty but is saddened and angered to see similar phenomena of torture to animals.
I hope that the breeding of animals for human consumption can take place in a manner which gives more dignity and welfare for the animals themselves. I also hope that it is forbidden to show dogs and other animals in the windows as happens in other European countries.

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