Tell Trump: NO immigrant concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay!

In a press conference on January 29th, Donald Trump declared that America would be setting up a detention center for immigrants at the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba — the site where hundreds of mostly innocent Muslims, some of them children, were illegally imprisoned and tortured by the George W. Bush administration.

"Today I'm also signing an executive order to instruct the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to begin preparing the 30,000 person migrant facility at Guantanamo Bay," Trump said at the White House. He said the facility would be used to "detain the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people. Some of them are so bad we don't even trust the countries to hold them because we don't want them coming back, so we're going to send them out to Guantanamo. This will double our capacity immediately, right? And, tough."

Tell Trump: DO NOT send migrants to Guantanamo Bay!

The way Trump phrased it — "we don't even trust the countries to hold them" — indicates that these migrants will be held there indefinitely. In other words, Trump is setting up a concentration camp for undocumented immigrants. While he claims that only "the worst criminals" will be sent there, his deportation raids have already been sweeping up innocent migrants and even US citizens, and those trapped in Gitmo will have even less recourse than they would in a normal US detention center.

Guantanamo Bay's unique legal status has already allowed for heinous crimes against humanity to be perpetrated against the innocent by the US government. We cannot allow it to happen again.

Tell Trump: NO migrant concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay!

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