Tell Culver's to Add Cruelty-free Meals!

Please join us in encouraging Culver's to add a delicious cruelty-free options to their menu!

Whether or not you personally choose to eat at Culver's, a huge restaurant chain with over 580 locations offering cruelty-free meals will make vegan eating more mainstream, which is a huge positive change for animals!

Culver's chain of restaurants reaches a huge segment of the American population, including international travelers, with over 580 restaurants in 22 states. We know you work hard to maintain high standards and achieve your stated mission of "Every Guest Who Chooses Culver's Leaves Happy." Culver's is known for its fresh and varied food options and a family friendly dining atmosphere.

However, Culver's is currently missing out on a significant population of consumers that choose plant-based options when dining out. Restaurant-goers are increasingly foregoing meat, dairy, and eggs for better health and less animal suffering. According to a 2016 Harris Poll, 37% of consumers said that they always or sometimes choose to eat a vegetarian or vegan meal when eating out. As more and more consumers learn of the ethical, health, and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet, these numbers will only increase.

Many chain restaurants have already responded to the call for more plant-based menu items. Subway, Starbucks, Chipotle, IKEA, White Castle, and Ben & Jerry's have all added vegan items to their menus in response to consumer demand, and diners have responded favorably.

Adding a plant-based option, such as a vegan burger to Culver's menu will expand your customer base and help Culver's better meet consumers' changing demands. It's an excellent way to show Culver's family based values in action, and your customers will thank you for it!

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