Tell Florida to reject the bill banning trans people from using public bathrooms!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Florida state legislature

Ron DeSantis and the GOP are showing no sign of letting up on their deranged anti-trans crusade. Now they're advancing a bill through the legislature that would criminalize trans people from going to the bathroom!

Under Florida's SB 1674, adults who enter a restroom or changing facility "designated for the opposite sex" and refuse to immediately leave when "asked to do so by another person in the restroom or changing facility," will be penalized with a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 60 days in jail or a maximum $500 fine.

Tell Florida to leave trans people alone and let them use the bathroom!

"These kinds of bills make it impossible for transgender people to go about their daily lives like other people—and it opens the door to abuse, mistreatment, and more. Let's be clear: This is state-sanctioned discrimination!" said ACLU Florida political director Kirk Bailey.

It is beyond comprehension how any elected political body could waste so much time policing when and where people are allowed to go to the bathroom. This bill is sick and twisted and should be thrown directly in the dustbin of history.

Tell Florida to reject the bill banning trans people from using public bathrooms!

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