Tell The BLM: No New Leases for Dirty Coal

For the first time in 30 years, the federal government is reviewing the U.S. coal program and looking for feedback from the public. The Bureau of Land Management is developing a plan for how many coal leases they should allow in the future and how to deal with the damages coal mining does to our planet and bodies. The only way to completely protect our planet and public health from coal is to stop all new leases on land for coal mining.

Coal’s effects on our environment are scary, and the science is clear. Coal is the largest contributor to global climate change, causes local air pollution and respiratory problems, and puts pregnant women and children at high risk of many diseases. Some groups, such as Physicians for Social Responsibility, have called the use of coal a total “assault on human health.” In fact, one report shows that coal contributes to four of the top five causes of death in the United States.

In addition to harming our health and earth, coal is no longer economically stable. While coal has provided much of our energy in the past, it is now a dying industry: the solar industry already employs more than twice as many people as coal does.

2016, like 2015, is set to be the hottest year ever recorded. If we want to ensure a stable climate, stable economy, and healthy bodies for our children, we cannot allow any new leases for coal on BLM land. Sign this petition now to tell the Bureau of Land Management that our energy future is coal free.

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