Providing Justice to all Person who belong to the Extrajudicial Killing on the Time of War on Drug.

Extrajudicial killings, or extrajudicial executions, happen when someone in an official position deliberately kills a person without any legal process. Such arbitrary deprivations of life, which can also be carried out by militias, death squads or other non-State actors, often target political opponents, activists, or marginalized groups.

Extrajudicial executions including under the "war on drugs" continued. The ICC rejected the government's appeal to stop the resumption of its investigation into violations in the context of the "war on drugs". The practice of "red-tagging" human rights defenders and others persisted, and counterterrorism legislation was increasingly used against humanitarian workers. Freedom of expression continued to be restricted. Enforced disappearances of environmental activists and Indigenous persons were reported.

This petition is focuses on having justice to all individual who belonged and suffered in the time of Presidency of Rodrigo Roa Duterte with his War on Drug Campaign.

The Human Rights Council must not back down now. It must act to prevent further deaths and send a clear message to the perpetrators, and to the government itself: the world is watching and we will not let impunity prevail.

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