Rescue all Bears from " Dog Training camps" in Russia

  • av: louis gauci
  • mottagare: Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

We all heard about the bear called Masha which has been sentenced to cruel death by being chained to a pole to be mauled by hunting dogs in a so called "Dog Training Camp" in Russia.  A petition is being signed by all those who wish to see Masha rescued from this horrible death.  I am urging all animal lovers to sign this petition so that ALL BEARS in Russia and not Masha only be rescued from such cruel ending.  I hope that the Russian animal lovers together with the Animal welfare groups forward to their president Vladimir Putin a similar petition requesting him to close all these horrible camps once and for all.    

So let us help the people of Russia in this cause and sign this petition as soon as possible to the attention of the President of Russia and parliament.

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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