NO to the Export of Brazil's JEGUES to China

"Jegues" are animals that for decades have been the support of brazilians in the north/northeast of Brazil.Exploited to carry heavy burdens or to work as a means of transport for men in that area of Brazil, subjected to long periods of no rain, which they tolerate fairly well.In the past few years motocycles have replaced them as a means of transportation for the local people and many of these animals have been simply abandoned to their own luck.Now Brazil, though the "initiative" of a small goup of "business men", has decided to export them (either dead or alive) to China, where their fate is to become "food" or "cosmetics", as published in the brazilian press this week. These animals have been described by this group of men as "needless" and their export as a "solution" for their abandonment.Around 300 THOUSAND of these kind and gentle living creatures, instead of receiving the help and gratitude for the long time of services to the poor population of the country, are to be treated as a "merchandise" with no regard for their lives.After the recent INADMISSIBLE live cattle accident TRAGEDY, where thousands of cows were abandoned to their own fate on the Red Sea, when "sold" for slaughter in Egypt, this NEW GENOCIDE cannot be allowed to happen.We DEMAND it not to be allowed, as we are already struggling very hard to put an end on LIVE exports in this country. This new particularly hedious way of treating our animals cannot be tolerated and must be STOPPED by this country's government at ONCE.
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