Two-thirds of the black bears killed will be babies born this spring or yearlings still with their mothers. The yearling cubs will be killed over packs of dogs and bait set. They will be run down by packs of up to 18 dogs (or more), and shot out of trees. Or they will be killed over bait piles, as hunters sit in their lounge chairs or tree stands, where the bears have been accustomed to feed, for this purpose. It will not be humane.
Black bears are highly intelligent, playful, peaceable (far more peaceful then men) beings, and they do not deserve this "man-agement" assault for trophy and recreation. In Wisconsin, the public still accepts killing for heads on walls, killing for trophy and taxidermy, trapping with conibear, steel jaw, and snare traps - all crimes against nature. No being, especially our innocent and defenseless wild bears, deserve to be treated so cruelly.
Tell the Wisconson Department of Natural Resources not sell our wildlife off for killing to a special interest hunting group. There are alternatives, such as relocation, or spay and neuter for some bears as they hybrinate through winter.
Last bear hunting season, 5000 black bears were "harvested"- the highest ever in Wisconson history. Black bears play an important role in every healthy ecosystem. Stop the annual black bear slaughter in Wisconson.
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