Argentina's Last Captive Killer Whale Needs Your Help!

    Time is running out and your voices are needed NOW — in order to save Kshamenk’s life.

    Meet Kshamenk, the “World’s Most Forgotten Orca,” and the last killer whale in captivity in South America. He resides at Mundo Marino, and for the last 24 years, has remained isolated from his own species; his pregnant tankmate, Belèn, having passed away in 2000. Since then, he has only dolphins as companionship. He currently faces starvation, most likely due to the ongoing economic crisis in Argentina. Without immediate action to relocate him to a better facility, he WILL die without seeing his own kind ever again, as well as remain emaciated.

    Marine Mammal Experts concluded in 2013 that a sea sanctuary is not viable for Kshamenk; not only due to the fact that sanctuaries require years to build, but that Argentina’s rough, uneven terrains and extreme climate conditions do not allow for stable infrastructure. Moreover, lack of funding poses as an additional problem — financial resources are crucial to projects akin to these.

    Due to these factors, Kshamenk only has two options: remain at Mundo Marino and eventually die there, or be transferred out of Argentina and to another facility containing killer whales.

    We’ve already lost both, Kiska and Tokitae last year, left to suffer in their horrific circumstances all alone, abandoned entirely. We CANNOT let Kshamenk meet the same fate.

    You are Kshamenk's LAST hope to ensure that his plight does not end like Tokitae and Kiska's did. We can help fight for his welfare and give him a better outcome. Will you add your signature to urge aquariums like SeaWorld San Antonio and Port of Nagoya Public aquarium to take action to move Kshamenk into their facilities?
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