"Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky /We fell them down and turn them into paper / That we may record our emptiness." ~Kahlil Gibran
Mosi Oa Tunya (MOT), popularly known by its colonial name Victoria / Vic Falls is one of the most spectacular seven wonders on Earth, set in a culturally biodiverse rich conservation park.
UNESCO declared a 30 kilometre radius of Zimbabwean and Zambian territory around MOT a World Heritage Site (WHS) in 1989. MOT / Vic Falls is an international & regional tourist destination, which brings in much needed forex to what is also refered to as the "Golden Triangle" Zimbabwe, Zambia & South Africa.
Now it is facing serious enviromental & social degradation, ever incresing pollution of the Zambezi River, noise pollution from choppers & night clubs, waste mismanagement, unethical and unsustainable tourism & hospitality industry, deforestation, harm to wildlife, this and more. These factors put MOT at risk of loosing its WHS designation. (https://www.worldheritagesite.org/list/Victoria+Falls)
This is a conservation park where hardly any conservation takes place, one without a strict green environmental policy, no wildlife sanctuary or animal hospital for the same wildlife which attracts tourists to fly thousands of miles over seas and oceans to take in and witness a once in a life time experience. Shocking as this might sound, most local children and adults in MOT have not yet seen the spledour of these mighty falls. Neither have most Zimbabweans or Zambeans.
Biodiversity, ecosystems and wildlife are severly endangered, animals abused and often killed by ignorant folks and poachers. Ancient Elephant bush trails, wildlife buffer zones, ethnobotany, bush food, traditiinal medicines, indigenous ancient trees are been logged down completely cleared flat to create space for the first mass shopping mall, an other petrol filling station, more residential plots in the ghetto and low density suburb, more and more new roads, plus a new hydroelectric plant. Is this truly progress?
Who is standing up for Mother Nature, The WildLife, The Trees, Plants, Rural folks here in a country faced with instability of sorts, where most are concernded with basic needs for today, not saving ecosystems or implementing ecological systems?
Despite displacement and dangers, the Elephants still continue on their familiar ancient trails knocking down any mannmade structuctures in their path way. This is usually labled and addressed by the communities and policy makers as "human animal conflict".
Much social and environment exploitation goes on unchecked in the name of progress. From as early as 7am the three noisey helicopters begin showing off an arial view of the beautiful water falls to tourists till sunset each and every day of the year. Noise pollution is a great menace for wildlife and humans alike. Sounds like one is constantly in a war zone especially along the scenic Zambesi river route close to the water falls. Can't imagine the traumatizing impact and health effects on fragile ecosystems and wildlife today and in years to come. www.news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8105250.stm .
Solution is Eco Cultural Heritage Education & Awareness @an Ecovillage as an Eco Demo Hubđ
Our intention is to establish a low impact, Cultural Heritage Matriarchal Ecovillage, a demo site that will promote Spirit Centred Green Enterprise in Rural areas of MOT. Through EcoCultural Responible Tourism, Cultural Biodiversity Conservation, EduTainment & a Celebration of uBuNtu e.g;
đ± Sacred Sites Retreats
đ± Volunteer & Cultural Exchange Tourism
đ± Life Long EcoLogical Skills
đ± Spiritual & Personal Development Workshops
đ± Rites of Passage Skool
đ± Natural Building Workshops
đ± Permaculture the BaNtu Way 4 Nutritional & Good Food Security
đ± Kemet Yoga & Meditation
đ± Wholistic Nutritional Therapy
đ± Recycling Upcycling ReUsin & ReDucing Waste Programmes
đ± EcoArtists Greening TheWood Residences
đ± School Vacation EcoCamps
Child, Family, Senior & Animal Friendly Space set in the Wilderness, Serving Only the Purest Wholesome Chemical Free SoufullSunlFoods (Raw Vegetarian & Vegan Foods) Snax & Beverages
We are currently working on a proposal for rural land here at the Falls to be submitted end of this month to the Traditional Heads, namely the Chief, Council of Elder and District Commissioners.
All LovingLights resonating with this cause, thank you for signing this petition. Please do share this within your circles of influence in future posts and don't forget to take small and measrabable steps to propel this URGENT issue forward?
Suggestions, ideas, love, positive vibrations, expertise, resources are most welcome and very much needed to protect MOT for future generations and conserve MOT natural environment. We can make this all our reality, for one of us is as strong as all of us together
Feel free to coment, compliment, constructive criticism for progress sake....feel free to come visit and see with your own eyes, hear from villages and locals, join in on greening one of the most sacred spaces on earth?
In other words; I Am Because You Are ~ Therefore We Are
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