Pet and Former Farm Pig Canned Hunted

  • av: Supporters of Fred
  • mottagare: United States Attorney Alice H. Martin; Northern District of Alabama
Justice For Fred, the Pet and former Farm Pig Who Was Canned Hunted, and left to die for 3 hours.

The circular argument "We can not do enforcement because its not a pet, not wildlife, not slaughtered as a farm animal" is simply unacceptable. This position allows extreme suffering of an animal caused by  willing parties to be openly unpunished --even in plain sight of a disgusted global audience.
Please write to US Attorney Alice H. Martin to ask for justice for Fred, the pig:
FAX: (205) 244-2171
Birmingham Office
1801 Fourth Avenue North
Birmingham, AL 35203
Phone: 205-244-2001
Fax: 205-244-2171

On May 3rd 2007, an eleven year old boy, Jamison Stone, from Pickensville, Alabama,  made international news that spread like wildfire over the Associated Press wire services. The now infamous photograph shows a fresh faced boy kneeling behind a monster-sized pig. The hog was shot in the backwoods with a giant 50 caliber Smith & Wesson hand gun that later turned out to be, like the hunt itself, a hoax.

Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries quickly revealed that it was a farm animal, and not a wild boar, that was shot in the 150 acre low-fence area. It was an overfed pet, and gentle domestic Duroc swine, named Fred.
Alabama's Attorney General, Troy King, reviewed the Monster Pig case said there was too little time for his office to pursue the case before the one year statute of limitations ran out May 3, 2008 following the District Attorney's cancelation. He was also unsure whether or not Alabama animal cruelty laws would be applicable to the killing of a farm animal suddenly transposed into a hunter's quarry.
Pet? Hunting quarry? Farm animal? Who was Fred? Facts support that one time or another he was all three. Authorities, so far, have not drawn the moral line, that the willful participation in the unnecessary slow and painful death of an animal--no matter if it's a pet, prey or agricultural -- is unlawful in the US or the State of Alabama,.

Dr. Melinda Merck, an ASPCA vet pathologist, writes, "Based on the lack of a conclusive kill shot and the prolonged time to die, the cause of death is most likely shock and exsanguinations [bleeding out] primarily from the injuries to the abdominal organs." Dr Yi-Horng Lee, a surgeon, agrees that the abdominal injuries sustained from the ill- placed gun shot wounds "would have caused extreme pain and anxiety for a prolonged period of time."

Now, it is up to Alabama US Attorney of the Northern District, Alice H. Martin. She is the last resort for justice for Fred and the hunting tradition of Alabama.

Thank you for signing the petition . Please also write, call or fax US Attorney's at her office contact information provided. 

Read more at  or at

We the undersigned respectfully ask you to legally pursue those responsible for Fred, the farm pig and pet who died a long, slow agonizing death from canned hunting.
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