Anti-Racism Initiative at Eastern University

We, students of Eastern University, present the Anti-Racism Iniative - a collective of demands that we believe will fulfill our school's expressed committment to promoting faith, reason, and justice. Our demands include : 1) A zero-tolerance policy towards incidents of racism. 2) Anti-racism and bias training for all members of the EU community. 3) A Black history course that is mandatory for all students. 4) A revamp of existing courses that focus on Black history. 5) The infusion of discussions on race and Black history into all courses that tackle societal issues. 6) Increased racial diversity amongst faculty and staff. 7) The hiring of a Chief Diversity Officer who reports to the President. 8) A reassessment and expansion of the budget for the Multicultural Student Initiatives Office. 9) Transparency surrounding Eastern's budget. 10) Accountability and racial equity for all students programs including Templeton Honors College (THC), Leadership Fellows Program (LFP), Student Acitivities Board (SAB), and Student Government Association. 

By signing this petition, you are stating that you are in support of racial justice being brought to the Eastern University community. These signatures will be shown to Eastern administation demonstrating community support of the initiative demands to bring racial justice to Eastern University. 

Attached below is the Google Docs link to the original document that was forwarded to adminstrators at Eastern Unversity calling for racial justice.

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