
Miss Andrews is being charged with the deaths due to starvation of her four pets. Miss Andrews may not now be charged for her acts of inhumane cruelty and death of these poor innocent animals since she fled to Alberta and is where she now apparently resides in Edmonton. If you have any whereabouts of Miss Andrews please contact the Canadian R.C.M.P or your local authorities and lets bring this hea

rtless monster to justice and see that she is charged for her heinous inhumane acts towards these poor helpless, innocent animals and make this a law that if you abuse, neglect or murder an animal you will be charged, fined and you will be sentenced to jail time for these crimes. Edmonton Police 1- (780) 421-3333 Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477 Alberta R.C.M.P 1- 780-412-5424
lets sign this petition and get her to face justice for the senseless act she has committed. 
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