Urge CBS Studios to Stop Using Live Animals in it's drama "Zoo"

Animals should not be exploited just to be used in a movie, commercial, video, or advertisement. What we don't know is that most if not all of these animals get discarded after their scene is over. Stop the suffering and ask CBS Studios to use computer generated imagery (CGI) in their drama series, "Zoo." We have the technology to do so, so why not use it?

CBS Corporation

CBS Headquarters

51 W. 52nd Street

New York, NY 10019-6188



2154 W. Sunset Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90026

August 17, 2017

Dear Gentlemen,

I advocate for animal welfare, both foreign and domestic, wild and captive and defender of the Earth.


I urge CBS Studios to stop using live animals in it’s drama series, “Zoo”.  


This is 2016, our technology has progressed by leaps and bounds.  It is not necessary to “exploit” live animals just to record a scene in a movie or record a commercial.  


The “company” only gets to see the end product of years of training. Yes, the animals are more manageable, but we ignore the suffering, the food deprivation, and the whippings and beating some endure.  And, after successful scene, video or commercial, the animals are returned to lives of solitude in barren cages for the rest of their natural lives--that is not a live, not even for an animal.


My correspondence is urging CBS Studios to use computer generated imagery, CGI.  CGI has been used successfully in the Jurassic Park series.  It is optimal because issues of safety with live animals

Is non-existent.  Animals don’t suffer and humans are safe from harm.


Please stop the use of live animals in taping your show. If you continue to do so, it sends the wrong message to other individuals that it is okay to do so.

Thank you,

Lucio Ortega MLS

101 W Resaca Drive

Los Fresnos, Texas 78566


  1. Animal l trainer for CBS’s “Zoo” responds to PETA’s charges of animal abuse: http://www.nola.com/tv/index.ssf/2015/07/cbs_zoo_peta_charges.html

  2. PETA Demands CBS’s ‘“Zoo” stop using Exploiting Live Animals: http://deadline.com/2016/06/peta-demands-cbs-zoo-stop-exploiting-live-animals-1201776744/

  3. Bob Barker Accuses CBS’s “Zoo” of Animal Cruelty Ahead of Premiere: http://www.designntrend.com/articles/79618/20160629/zoo-season-2-bob-barker-accuse

  4. s-cbs-series-animal-cruelty-ahead-premiere.htm

  5. Humans as Voiceless as the Animals in CBS Drama “Zoo”: http://nypost.com/2015/06/29/humans-as-voiceless-as-the-animals-in-cbs-drama-zoo/

  6. Steve Martin’s “Working Wildlife” : http://www.workingwildlife.com/

  7. Animals Actors Animals Used for Entertainment : http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-in-entertainment/animal-actors/

  8. Animals in Circuses and the Law Governing Them: https://www.animallaw.info/article/animals-circuses-and-laws-governing-them

  9. No Real Animals in Hollywood’s Noah’s Ark: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/03/140328-noah-animals-ark-movies-hollywood/

  10. Animals in FILM and TV: http://www.animalsinfilmandtv.com/

  11. Urge CBS’s Zpp to stop using Live Animals PETITION; http://www.care2.com/news/member/862450128/3994389

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Thank you for all that have signed. I will be sending a preliminary petition to CBS Studios. I am drafting the letter now. I have also tweeted to CBS @CBSTVStudio. I will let you know as soon as I get a reply.
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