STOP Walker Primary School becoming an Academy

Thank you to all the 600 that have signed and helping us reach our target. Such strong feelings and interesting comments we are keeping this petition open for as long as we can. Please keep signing.


We now have a GoFundMe campaign. Please see below for more details.


We can still stop Walker School becoming an Academy

Ivy Learning Trust has only been operational for a year and a half so no track record.

The school finances at present are in good shape and forecasts are not as bad as were presented. The school can survive without becoming an academy. The best option would be to form a "soft" federation just like other local schools are doing.

The Academy has the right to place teachers where they see fit. Meaning there is a strong possibility of your child losing their excellent teacher to another school and being replaced possibly by a more inexperienced or unqualified teacher. Your kid's education depends on good teaching.

Ivy Learning Trust accounts show in just one year Agency Staff Costs (i.e. Supply Teachers) £86,149 and approx £430,000 paid to five Senior Management. (CEO highest paid £130,000)

Academisation has a negative effect on education, removes democratic accountability.

A school does not receive more money under an academy trust. No financial guarantees, so why is Walker School considering academisation?

Once an academy it is irreversible.

We should stay with the Local Education Authority.

Is Ivy Learning Trust the best Academy for your children? This is your last chance to have a say and change it.

Protest - Update

SAVE WALKER SCHOOL PROTEST on Thursday 21 March at 09:00am at The Green by the round about close to Walker School.

We have invited the local press and Councillors to be part of the protest.

Leaflets with full facts re: Ivy and why we oppose them will be available.

Please make every effort to attend as this is for the future of our children!

Please inform as many parents and people from the community as possible of this protest and those who also oppose academisation under Ivy can join us.

Fundraising Please Help

Please share and help the parents of Walker Primary School raise money for legal fees to stop the school joining the Ivy Academy by donating anything you can to help.
First legal action will be taken on Tuesday 26 March 2019. Please help us.

Walkers - GoFundMe

Uppdatera #35 år sedan
Please share and help the parents of Walker Primary School raise money for legal fees to stop the school joining the Ivy Academy by donating anything you can to help.

First legal action will be taken on Tuesday 26 March 2019. Please help us, it will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.

Uppdatera #25 år sedan
SAVE WALKER SCHOOL PROTEST on Thursday 21 March at 08:30am at The Green by the roundabout close to Walker School.

We have invited the local press and Councillors to be part of the protest.

Leaflets with full facts re: Ivy and why we oppose them will be available.

Please make every effort to attend as this is for the future of our children!

Please inform as many parents and people from the community as possible of this protest and those who also oppose academisation under Ivy can join us.
Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Thank you for signing the petition.

Next step is for us all to email the EDUCATIONAL COMMISSIONER directly to NOT SIGN away our well maintained good school to the Ivy Learning Trust (MAT). The more parents, staff, community members that send an email of complaint to him the more chance we have.

He already has a formal legal letter which outlines the concerns we need the community to now pull together and inundate him with emails.
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